L e Thursday, December 2, from 18.30, the magazine Intermedialities present his most recent publications in the bookstore.
Intermedialities: History and Theory of Arts, Literature and publishes since 2003, French and English articles grouped around a single verb infinitive. It intends to reflect the relationships that govern the technical and institutional, intellectual products and media outlets, not limited to the study of contemporary media or remain in a particular school. Intending to develop artistic practices "intermedial" Current, the magazine receives the collaboration of an artist for each issue.
Latest CD:

Staging (No. 12) takes as its focal point staging: because the appearance the latter is coeval with the electrical revolution - who gave birth to multiple media perceived as competitors of the theater - and because it's the staging that undergoes the primary pressures and intermedia those new technologies.

Programming (No. 13) done today in a report to matter profoundly changed, as reflected in contemporary art and, more generally, the idea that we have of our identity, our " artifactuality "and even with them, our own predictability.

Building (No. 14) offers a variety of approaches devoted to the relationship between architecture, city and media. These open a new reflection on the action of building which, assuming an implementation plan to the building done, involves a process in which converge intermedial practices and disparate cultural forms.

Expose (No. 15) tackles on his side the exhibition as intermedial specific phenomenon of modernity, questions his relationship with memory and history, describes its pitfalls ideological thinking its temporality or stands still his "device" epistemological.
New electronic records available online www.intermedialites.ca :
No. 3 Accompany (cinema) : Cinema as a medium of observation, approach and refinements expression of desire and its procrastination, we can decrypt semiotic relational, understand the importance of accompanying and hear perhaps the experience of nine homo socialis .
No. 4 say Re: The work of Walter Ong and Paul Zumthor on orality associate look at the floor in a kind of anticipation intermedia. This record pushes a little further reflection: images and words are recorded very often associated, but instead of repeating it is translated, rewritten, rehabilitated, performed, remedied, and frankly, repetition. And written here, from Africa to America.
To further information, write to intermedialites@gmail.com
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