The legal context:
The Islamic Republic of Mauritania is an African multinational, multicultural and biracial inhabited by nationalities Hratin, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara home Negro and African nationalities Arabs and Berbers.
The principle enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that "all men are born free and equal" is drained of its substance, in the practical, everyday, the constitution of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania of 20/07/1991 amended.
Indeed, the Islamic Republic of Mauritania is party to all international legal instruments for the protection of human rights, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 10 December 1948, the United Nations Convention against all forms of racism and exclusion, the African Convention on Human Rights and Peoples' Rights.
Thus, the commitment of the Mauritanian state, through the national legal texts and those linking it to the international community (United Nations and African Union) is formulated in a clear and unambiguous.
Mauritania's slavery, state racism and exclusion:
In reviewing the governance of the country, we realize that the essence of political, economic, administrative, military and security are monopolized and controlled by the only Arab-Berber minority, to the dismay of the majority black communities (Hratin, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara).
On reading above, one arrives easily at the conclusion that a state racism rife in Mauritania. This racism, cleverly woven at the top of the state, has resulted in: the lack of power sharing and wealth of the country, the shameless pursuit of slavery in an Islamic country, genocide and deportation carried on Black Africans from 1989 to 1992, the expropriation of farmland for the benefit of Arab-Berber, a policy of assimilation and alienation sociolinguistic and cultural and their corollaries. The State should secure and guarantee the right of the citizen, has invested cons, make black citizens of Mauritania, second-class citizens, maintaining racial domination based on groups feudal Arab-Berber. These groups are organized as corporations, religious leaders, businessmen, heads of tribes around the security apparatus and defense.
Indeed, the state racism and the exclusion of Black communities are aggravated by the practice of slavery that continues despite the promulgation of the law criminalizing the practice in Mauritania. The impunity that continues to benefit the perpetrators of genocide and slavery cases found, the continued expropriation of land, blocks made by public authorities to any attempt to promote and teach the languages and cultures of the Black communities, the virtual closure of media in Pulaar, Soninke, Wolof and Bambara are elements that demonstrate the commitment of all regimes that have succeeded in Mauritania to make our country what great delight in calling "trab'el beydhan - A COUNTRY WITH ALL THE GOODS ONLY DO BENEFIT ONLY ARAB-BERBER.
Since Mauritania's accession to independence, the racist policies of governments have strived to perpetuate the domination of Arab-Berber and all other communities in this, no area can escape the logic of monopoly:
- All primary banks belong to groups from the Arab-Berber and despite many attempts no group of black businessmen has succeeded, with none of the regimes that have succeeded in obtaining a license for the establishment of a bank.
- A clever redistricting ensures beydanisation of both houses of the national parliament. In the last parliamentary elections in 2007, it took less than 800 voters to elect the MP Moughataa Bir Moghrein, it took more than 26,000 for the vote of three Members of Sélibaby (more than 8,600 voters for an MP). These statistics make clear the stark reality of a voter Moughataa Bir Moghrein worth more than ten (10) times a voter Sélibaby and then, more than one Mauritanian.
So sick of the victims of slavery, racism and exclusion has reached now a level where peace and stability in Mauritania are threatened. Added to this, stubbornness and persistence of racist leaders their unfair methods of governing a pluralistic nation: the rejection of political dialogue, the state of siege, which dare not speak its name, in which the southern part of Mauritania is located, intimidation of human rights including those fight against the practice of slavery, the lack of political will in the restoration of the rights of victims or having rights to the events of 89 to 92 years, the expropriation of land, the inhuman conditions of repatriation of Mauritanians in Senegal deported etc..
Some figures on the representation of communities in public life in Mauritania
Government: Total: 29 including 21 beydanes = 72% Negro Haratine: 8
Wali: Total: 13 including 10 beydanes = 77%, negra-Haratine: 3
Diplomacy: Total: 43 including 38 beydanes = 88% Negro Haratine: 5
Education (dR: Total: 14 including 13 beydanes = 93% Negro Haratine: 1
Banks: Total: 8 with 8 = 100% Beydanes nego-Haratine: 0
Fonts : DRS: Total: 21 including 21 Bedane = 100% Negro Haratine: 0
Commissioners: Total: 65 including 56 Beydane = 86% Negro Haratine: 9
National Guard:
Commanders: Total: 13 including 12 Beydanes = 12% Negro Haratine: 1
Officers: Total: 100, 90 = 90% Beydanes Negro Haratine: 10
Nat Army: Commander =
military regions: Total: 7 with 7 = 100% Beydanes nego- Haratine: 0
Ps: Negro Haratine (Hratine, Fulani, Soninke, Wolof, Bambara)
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