Tuesday, February 1, 2011

What Colours Goes With Travertine

Evening XYZ

L e Tuesday, February 1, from 17h, the editions XYZ launch new novels of Pierre Gariépy and Jocelyne Saucier.

Age Pierre (Vintage Romanies)
Pierre Gariépy

A near Lomer Odyssey (XYZ, 2008) and Blanca holy (XYZ, 2009), Pierre Gariépy loop trilogy so beautiful. It gives us the worst in his best clothes.
Pierre grew up in the orphanage where pills and sexual perversity are his daily life. Even the calves will give heart to joy ... How to escape, how to escape? Writing. This project gave birth to the Christ himself, a true Christ, who became the star of stars of the gods fornicators! Everyone will be at his feet. But God has a price ... Peter Peter the preacher or unloved? It remains to be seen.

It was raining cats and birds (Vintage Romanies)
Jocelyne Saucier

J ocelyne Saucier, with his latest novel Jeanne on roads (XYZ, 2006) , was a finalist in the Governor General's Award and Ringuet Award of the Academy of Arts of Quebec. Fond of history, she returns with a plot inspired by the Great Fire that ravaged northern Ontario in the early twentieth century.
Boychuck, Tom and Charlie are old and love freedom. They chose to withdraw from the world and live happily in the forest. They even made a pact with death. But it will have the last word. Boychuk will start the first leaves in his paintings, part of the history of the Great Fire in Northern Ontario. Two women will shake up the lives of Tom and Charlie Marie Desneige, air character interned for 66 years and a photographer, who discover the work of Boychuk. A beautiful story at the height of the great talent of Jocelyne Saucier.



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